Marc D. Alexander

Pics of other things that are part of my life

Corey - In an airplane With Matt - back in the Maryland days My niece and nephew (how cute)
My new house At a Rockies baseball game, with Kevin and the family On the road in Utah
At the Spiegel Family Reunion, May 1994 Me and my sweetie Me and my sweetie (again)
Trish, Laura, Marc, & Winnie Winnie, Laura, & Trish Winnie, Laura, & Trish
This is Krystal, my cousin Debbie's daughter The Watts family at Jessica & Will's wedding Winnie, Grandma, Aunt nancy, and Tyler in Oklahoma
  • Pic from the Second Spiegel Family Reunion
  • Pic from the Second Spiegel Family Reunion
  • Pic of Winnie opening up a birthday present (Dec 2002)
  • Pic of Baby trying out Haley's hat
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Last modified 30 Nov 2003